Alternative Scenes of Value: Queer Keyword Search, Digital Collage, 7248 pixels × 5477 pixels
Queer Keyword Search art-notation workshop was held at this year's Queer Lakbay Summit, co-facilitated with scholar and educator, Celeste Francisco. Their workshop curriculum consisted of a 30-minute overview lecture on Chapter 3: Performing the Mail Order Bride in Queering the Global Filipina Body: Contested Nationalisms in the Filipina/o Diaspora by Gina K. Velasco. Followed by a mark-making demonstration by Santos in preparation for the annotation activity.
Santos photocopied each page from Chapter 3, inviting the participants to mark phrases or words on a single page to actively explore the entanglements of global domestic labor, the blurring of heteronormative gender roles, and the legacy of US cultural homogenization in queer spaces. Velasco speaks about these key concepts through art project, Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride by art group M.O.B.

A huge thank you to the art-notation artists who contributed their work to this workshop: Angeline Lapena, Ash Alunan, Camille Fang, Delaney Bantillo, Geena Ballesteros, John Fernandez, Kim Hizon, Michelle Ledesma, Mylene Canosa, Pauline Nguyen, Ren Fang, Samantha Ov, and Shaena Reyes.